Lisa Rue

Lisa Rue is a Certified Music Therapist*, educator and performing artist.  

For over 25 years as sole proprietor of Sound Expression, she has worked primarily with those who have special needs and developmental delays, in a variety of school, day habilitation and senior settings throughout Southeastern Massachusetts.  With a background in speech and language, Lisa is an avid supporter of self expression for all, particularly those who have been labeled 'non-verbal'.

Lisa is also an accomplished singer and performing artist, with over 30 years of experience singing, acting, choreographing and dancing in community, regional, collegiate and professional stage performance.  In addition to her most recent credits as a featured soloist with Voices Rising (Boston), and acoustic recordings of the Bare Bones series, she has also has directed the Tone Chimes Choir at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Bridgewater since 2006.



Northwestern University (IL), BS ’85, Interdepartmental Major/School of Communication
Emmanuel College (MA), Undergraduate Music Therapy Certification '91
Bridgewater State University (MA), M.Ed., Health Promotion ’01

Graduate Research Thesis: The Use of Music for Management of Chronic Pain (Brockton Hospital)



*Music Therapy is the use of music to reach nonmusical goals and objectives.   Music Therapy is a client centered process that is intended to improve quality of life and advance skills and abilities.  Music Therapists work in a variety of educational, arts-based, community, rehabilitative, psychiatric and medical facilities.  Those who work with special needs often have primary goal areas that include self- expression, behavior modification, social skills, cognitive processes and motor ability.  For more information, visit


"After silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
(Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World)

